Sunday, December 28, 2008
Friday, December 19, 2008
I always tell my students that it is better to be overly prepared then to be under prepared and to make life easier for yourself when it comes to self defense to use whatever you can in your environment as a weapon and to carry a self defense product on yourself at all times. I myself carry at least 3 different weapons on me at all times.
So today's post talks about hiding weapons in your home so if an emergency situation exists you have items around you that you can easily grab and use to knock the snot out of your attacker. Now the best places to place weapons in your home is near all the entrances as well as next to your bed in case you have someone breaking into your home while your sleeping it is right there an arms reach away.
Now when placing these items in these areas always hide them so that only you and your loved ones know where they are. You do not want the criminal entering your home opening the door and finding a pipe next to the door. Sure enough he will grab it and use it on you. Now the best places to hide weapons is on top of door frames where you can easily hide a knife, pipe or screw diver. As well conceal weapons in a book shelf, under your pillow, under the bed or behind a night stand.
When it comes to concealing weapons near doors have a coat rake near the doorway with an old coat hanging on it there you can conceal anything from a pipe to pepper spray without anyone assuming that there is a weapon near by. Make sure it is easily assessable so that you can simply grab your weapon in a split seconds notice without having to dig around for it.
I always tell my students that it is better to be overly prepared then to be under prepared and to make life easier for yourself when it comes to self defense to use whatever you can in your environment as a weapon and to carry a self defense product on yourself at all times. I myself carry at least 3 different weapons on me at all times.
So today's post talks about hiding weapons in your home so if an emergency situation exists you have items around you that you can easily grab and use to knock the snot out of your attacker. Now the best places to place weapons in your home is near all the entrances as well as next to your bed in case you have someone breaking into your home while your sleeping it is right there an arms reach away.
Now when placing these items in these areas always hide them so that only you and your loved ones know where they are. You do not want the criminal entering your home opening the door and finding a pipe next to the door. Sure enough he will grab it and use it on you. Now the best places to hide weapons is on top of door frames where you can easily hide a knife, pipe or screw diver. As well conceal weapons in a book shelf, under your pillow, under the bed or behind a night stand.
When it comes to concealing weapons near doors have a coat rake near the doorway with an old coat hanging on it there you can conceal anything from a pipe to pepper spray without anyone assuming that there is a weapon near by. Make sure it is easily assessable so that you can simply grab your weapon in a split seconds notice without having to dig around for it.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Lets say you are walking down the street with your spouse and all of a sudden you are held up at gun point by someone. Now you want to avoid violence at all costs but lets say you can't and you have to fight. You now have an issue to think about and that is the safety of of your spouse that is next to you. You normally can execute your gun disarming tactic but this time since you are with someone you could put your partner in danger because when you execute your self defense tactic the gun will go off and could possibly harm your partner. So how do you work around this?
By having a code word that you and your spouse know that tells your spouse to drop to the ground. So lets say the code word is "Don't harm us we have kids" that tells your spouse that to drop to the ground because you are either going to pull your firearm out or execute a self defense technique. This also works for 2 or more man security teams where one person is the "talker" and when he says the words "We don't seem to be getting anywhere" tells the rest of the team to move in and get physical. Remember have a mild "safe word" do not use words such as "Now" or "Go" for this will make the attacker ready for your actions and will take the element of surprise away from you.
Lets say you are walking down the street with your spouse and all of a sudden you are held up at gun point by someone. Now you want to avoid violence at all costs but lets say you can't and you have to fight. You now have an issue to think about and that is the safety of of your spouse that is next to you. You normally can execute your gun disarming tactic but this time since you are with someone you could put your partner in danger because when you execute your self defense tactic the gun will go off and could possibly harm your partner. So how do you work around this?
By having a code word that you and your spouse know that tells your spouse to drop to the ground. So lets say the code word is "Don't harm us we have kids" that tells your spouse that to drop to the ground because you are either going to pull your firearm out or execute a self defense technique. This also works for 2 or more man security teams where one person is the "talker" and when he says the words "We don't seem to be getting anywhere" tells the rest of the team to move in and get physical. Remember have a mild "safe word" do not use words such as "Now" or "Go" for this will make the attacker ready for your actions and will take the element of surprise away from you.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
I truly believe that you are only half as good as when you train when it comes to executing your self defense tactics in real life scenarios. So this post will help security and law enforcement personnel get more realism and effectiveness out of there training. When you practice restraint holds or handcuffing techniques have the subject place message oil on there entire arm, this way when you try executing an arm bar or try grabbing the subjects wrist when trying to cuff him it will simulate the slipperiness that sweat can cause when trying to subdue and control someone. As well you will find that when you do execute these techniques for real they will seem easier to perform because of this training method that you have incorporated.
I truly believe that you are only half as good as when you train when it comes to executing your self defense tactics in real life scenarios. So this post will help security and law enforcement personnel get more realism and effectiveness out of there training. When you practice restraint holds or handcuffing techniques have the subject place message oil on there entire arm, this way when you try executing an arm bar or try grabbing the subjects wrist when trying to cuff him it will simulate the slipperiness that sweat can cause when trying to subdue and control someone. As well you will find that when you do execute these techniques for real they will seem easier to perform because of this training method that you have incorporated.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Today's post I would like to discuss the issue of street fighting videos posted on such sites as You Tube and others. I would like to state that these are by no means "real" street fighting videos. Just because two guys fight in front of a camera on the street doesn't meant its a street fight. These so called street fighter's are people who prearrange a fight to take place at a certain location and rules are set on what can be done and what can't during the fight. Far from anything like a "real" street fight.
If you want to take a look at a "real" street fight, watch footage from security camera's outside of bars or in other locations. You will see that it's not only fists that come out in the fight but also weapons and 5 on 1 situations happen as well. So if you want to learn from video footage on how to be a better realistic fighter stop watching these fake street fights being filmed in some parking lot for in real street fights there are no rules only dirty moves, sucker punches, low blows cuz anything goes for if I can't take out my blade or any other weapon to stop you then it's not a real fight.
Today's post I would like to discuss the issue of street fighting videos posted on such sites as You Tube and others. I would like to state that these are by no means "real" street fighting videos. Just because two guys fight in front of a camera on the street doesn't meant its a street fight. These so called street fighter's are people who prearrange a fight to take place at a certain location and rules are set on what can be done and what can't during the fight. Far from anything like a "real" street fight.
If you want to take a look at a "real" street fight, watch footage from security camera's outside of bars or in other locations. You will see that it's not only fists that come out in the fight but also weapons and 5 on 1 situations happen as well. So if you want to learn from video footage on how to be a better realistic fighter stop watching these fake street fights being filmed in some parking lot for in real street fights there are no rules only dirty moves, sucker punches, low blows cuz anything goes for if I can't take out my blade or any other weapon to stop you then it's not a real fight.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
In the TACT Self Defense System we believe in the philosophy of killing two birds with one stone when we execute a self defense technique. Here this is what we do when we block a kick using the "shin kick block tactic" Instead of blocking kicks using your hand/fists which usually ends up damaging your hand and breaking a few fingers along the way, we block the kick using our lead foot. So an example of this would be if your attacker tried executing a kick straight for your groin you would simply bring your lead foot up and slam your heel onto the shin area of his leg.
This in turn will soften him up and slow his momentum down hard and fast due to all the sensitive nerves on the shin area. You have done two things at once, block his kick but disable him all at the same time with one quick simple tactic. From there you would then finish him off much easier and quicker.
In the TACT Self Defense System we believe in the philosophy of killing two birds with one stone when we execute a self defense technique. Here this is what we do when we block a kick using the "shin kick block tactic" Instead of blocking kicks using your hand/fists which usually ends up damaging your hand and breaking a few fingers along the way, we block the kick using our lead foot. So an example of this would be if your attacker tried executing a kick straight for your groin you would simply bring your lead foot up and slam your heel onto the shin area of his leg.
This in turn will soften him up and slow his momentum down hard and fast due to all the sensitive nerves on the shin area. You have done two things at once, block his kick but disable him all at the same time with one quick simple tactic. From there you would then finish him off much easier and quicker.
Monday, September 08, 2008
BRANDON, MAN. - A young man traveling on a Greyhound bus was stabbed at least 40 times and beheaded by a stranger in a horrifying act of apparently random violence.
The incident occurred on a bus traveling from Edmonton to Winnipeg on July 31/08. Now you would assume that someone on that bus full of people would help out since there were more passengers then just one lone attacker.
But the reality is most people go into flight response because fear takes over and people feel like they are having an outer body experience when visually experiencing such a horrifying act of violence. The reality is that most people will not help there fellow man but instead self preservation steps in and people run for cover and safety.
So instead of bull shitting yourself thinking if I ever do need help someone would come to the rescue so I can hold of on taking a combat/self defense course your only kidding yourself. The reality is you are out on your own to fend for yourself.
BRANDON, MAN. - A young man traveling on a Greyhound bus was stabbed at least 40 times and beheaded by a stranger in a horrifying act of apparently random violence.
The incident occurred on a bus traveling from Edmonton to Winnipeg on July 31/08. Now you would assume that someone on that bus full of people would help out since there were more passengers then just one lone attacker.
But the reality is most people go into flight response because fear takes over and people feel like they are having an outer body experience when visually experiencing such a horrifying act of violence. The reality is that most people will not help there fellow man but instead self preservation steps in and people run for cover and safety.
So instead of bull shitting yourself thinking if I ever do need help someone would come to the rescue so I can hold of on taking a combat/self defense course your only kidding yourself. The reality is you are out on your own to fend for yourself.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
In this day and age of instant information we can keep on top of any topic easily and quickly. I believe that by keeping on top of new products in the self defense industry will keep you on your toes and save your ass as well. Here is an example by staying on top of new self defense products you not only know what you can purchase to protect yourself with but you can also be aware of what to look out for when it come to your staying aware of possible weapons that your attacker may have.
Nowadays most ordinary items can be innocent looking but in reality are self defense weapons. You can now purchase pepper spray rings, cell phones which are tasers, pen knifes and the list can go on and on. So stay on top of things by visiting a self defense weapons site and taking a look at what's new on the market that way you know what to look out for when dealing with an attacker so your not caught off guard.
In this day and age of instant information we can keep on top of any topic easily and quickly. I believe that by keeping on top of new products in the self defense industry will keep you on your toes and save your ass as well. Here is an example by staying on top of new self defense products you not only know what you can purchase to protect yourself with but you can also be aware of what to look out for when it come to your staying aware of possible weapons that your attacker may have.
Nowadays most ordinary items can be innocent looking but in reality are self defense weapons. You can now purchase pepper spray rings, cell phones which are tasers, pen knifes and the list can go on and on. So stay on top of things by visiting a self defense weapons site and taking a look at what's new on the market that way you know what to look out for when dealing with an attacker so your not caught off guard.
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
Everyone has a fear of some sort when it comes to combat. It may be that people have a fear of being hit with a fist or with an object such as a pipe. Others may have the fear of dealing with someone with an edged weapon. Regardless of what your fear is the only way to overcome your fear is to face it head on.
So how to you go about facing these demons head on, well by having a trainer who you can trust but as well is highly trained and experienced in what he is doing. When I first started training years ago I had a habit of closing my eyes whenever I was hit in the face so to overcome this fear my trainer would use my face & body as a punching bag. This would force me to look dead on onto a punch that was connecting to my face. After awhile my fear was gone because I know I could handle getting hit in the face with a fist because I experienced it so often that it was like an every day event to me.
As well I had a fear of dealing with knifes so my trainer would first teach me knife disarming tactics using a rubber knife then after I knew the tactic well enough he would use a real knife in a controlled manner whenever practicing disarming techniques. This exercise made me comfortable when cold steel was presented in a situation because I had dealt with the issue so many times during training and was immume to the stimuli of cold steel.
Now this training is not for everyone and you have to be under the supervision of a trained professional to train in this manner. I have taught this method to my students for years now and have never cut or hurt anyone because I can do this exercise in a controlled safe manner. This exercise needs to be done with someone you can trust but as well someone who is a professional who knows what he is doing and is not just any joe blow off the street or dojo.
By training this way you will overcome your fears in rapid time not only in combat but in your everyday life as well because your confidence will increase ten fold. Remember this MUST be done with a professional trainer, most people teaching martial arts or combat do not have this type of skill level but those people that you find who do, network with them and watch your self confidence explode to unimaginable new levels.
Everyone has a fear of some sort when it comes to combat. It may be that people have a fear of being hit with a fist or with an object such as a pipe. Others may have the fear of dealing with someone with an edged weapon. Regardless of what your fear is the only way to overcome your fear is to face it head on.
So how to you go about facing these demons head on, well by having a trainer who you can trust but as well is highly trained and experienced in what he is doing. When I first started training years ago I had a habit of closing my eyes whenever I was hit in the face so to overcome this fear my trainer would use my face & body as a punching bag. This would force me to look dead on onto a punch that was connecting to my face. After awhile my fear was gone because I know I could handle getting hit in the face with a fist because I experienced it so often that it was like an every day event to me.
As well I had a fear of dealing with knifes so my trainer would first teach me knife disarming tactics using a rubber knife then after I knew the tactic well enough he would use a real knife in a controlled manner whenever practicing disarming techniques. This exercise made me comfortable when cold steel was presented in a situation because I had dealt with the issue so many times during training and was immume to the stimuli of cold steel.
Now this training is not for everyone and you have to be under the supervision of a trained professional to train in this manner. I have taught this method to my students for years now and have never cut or hurt anyone because I can do this exercise in a controlled safe manner. This exercise needs to be done with someone you can trust but as well someone who is a professional who knows what he is doing and is not just any joe blow off the street or dojo.
By training this way you will overcome your fears in rapid time not only in combat but in your everyday life as well because your confidence will increase ten fold. Remember this MUST be done with a professional trainer, most people teaching martial arts or combat do not have this type of skill level but those people that you find who do, network with them and watch your self confidence explode to unimaginable new levels.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
In this post I would like to go over how someone can spot or pick up signs that there is a criminal who is carrying a concealed weapon on them. Remember awareness is your best weapon when it comes to your personal self defense without it you cannot avoid or respond in time to the danger coming your way. Below are some suggestions taken from the site www.frontsight.com
•Wearing concealment garments such as a jacket, coat, or vest when it is noticeably too hot for such attire.
•Wearing a coat that is completely unzipped when weather is cold enough to warrant a zipped jacket.
•Wearing a shirt with the tail out and or only buttoned near the top.
Note that most criminals do not carry a gun in a holster. The most common method of carry is to slip the gun inside their waistband near the front pocket of their pants or in the small of their back.
•Repeatedly touching the areas where you would likely carry a gun to adjust it when walking.
•Excessively keeping one hand in the pocket to keep the gun stabilized or to camouflage the print of the gun through the clothing.
•When running, pressing a hand against clothing in an attempt to stabilize the gun.
•When walking, only swinging one arm, using the other arm to stabilize the gun or to prevent concealment garment from opening in a breeze.
•When your eyes meet, the criminal looks down quickly to where the gun is concealed or moves an arm to cover the possible printing of the weapon against his clothing, then avoids any eye contact with you and moves away.
•Clothing that does not fit properly due to the weight of the gun in a pocket of a jacket pulling the collar.
•The centerline of the pants in the crotch or buttock area pulled excessively to one side due to the gun being placed inside the waistband.
•Bulges under the clothes in the waist area.
•Bulky pockets.
•Printing of the shape of the gun against the clothing or actually seeing the gun when bending over, reaching overhead, or turning.
•Hearing the sound of something solid (the gun) striking a door frame, counter, shopping cart, etc.
If you do see someone carrying a concealed weapon do not approach them instead call 911 and let the authorities deal with the situation since they have the training, weapons and back up to deal with the situation more safely than you do.
In this post I would like to go over how someone can spot or pick up signs that there is a criminal who is carrying a concealed weapon on them. Remember awareness is your best weapon when it comes to your personal self defense without it you cannot avoid or respond in time to the danger coming your way. Below are some suggestions taken from the site www.frontsight.com
•Wearing concealment garments such as a jacket, coat, or vest when it is noticeably too hot for such attire.
•Wearing a coat that is completely unzipped when weather is cold enough to warrant a zipped jacket.
•Wearing a shirt with the tail out and or only buttoned near the top.
Note that most criminals do not carry a gun in a holster. The most common method of carry is to slip the gun inside their waistband near the front pocket of their pants or in the small of their back.
•Repeatedly touching the areas where you would likely carry a gun to adjust it when walking.
•Excessively keeping one hand in the pocket to keep the gun stabilized or to camouflage the print of the gun through the clothing.
•When running, pressing a hand against clothing in an attempt to stabilize the gun.
•When walking, only swinging one arm, using the other arm to stabilize the gun or to prevent concealment garment from opening in a breeze.
•When your eyes meet, the criminal looks down quickly to where the gun is concealed or moves an arm to cover the possible printing of the weapon against his clothing, then avoids any eye contact with you and moves away.
•Clothing that does not fit properly due to the weight of the gun in a pocket of a jacket pulling the collar.
•The centerline of the pants in the crotch or buttock area pulled excessively to one side due to the gun being placed inside the waistband.
•Bulges under the clothes in the waist area.
•Bulky pockets.
•Printing of the shape of the gun against the clothing or actually seeing the gun when bending over, reaching overhead, or turning.
•Hearing the sound of something solid (the gun) striking a door frame, counter, shopping cart, etc.
If you do see someone carrying a concealed weapon do not approach them instead call 911 and let the authorities deal with the situation since they have the training, weapons and back up to deal with the situation more safely than you do.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Monday, May 19, 2008
Violence and crime can happen anytime wherever we go. A situation such as going out for dinner with family and friends may seem like there is no threat to that situation but it can be in a blink of an eye. An incident a while back occurred at a high end restaurant near where I live. Where two men enter the restaurant and execute a hit on a local gang member who was having dinner there. Now this is not the bad side of town this is a high end area and this type of crime occurred here so people thinking that they have nothing to worry about because they don't live around drug dealers and such are giving themselves a false since of security because violence can happen anywhere.
Now I don't want people reading this and thinking that wherever they go they have to be paranoid that is not the objective of this post. The objective is being prepared so if shit does hit the fan your odds of survival will double because you know what to do. Now what would you do in this situation? How would you deal with a shoot out in a restaurant that you were eating in? What would be the best area to be seated in? What should be the first thing you do when you hear a gun go off?
Well here are a few things that will help you out. First try seating with you back towards a wall so you don't have to worry about someone being behind you. Try being seated next to an exit areas to have an escape route. Also at the first sound of gun fire drop to the ground and take cover using a table or chairs. Make it a habit in your everyday life whenever entering a room or establishment to follow these rules, back to wall, near exists, find an object that will cover you so your odds of survival increase.
Violence and crime can happen anytime wherever we go. A situation such as going out for dinner with family and friends may seem like there is no threat to that situation but it can be in a blink of an eye. An incident a while back occurred at a high end restaurant near where I live. Where two men enter the restaurant and execute a hit on a local gang member who was having dinner there. Now this is not the bad side of town this is a high end area and this type of crime occurred here so people thinking that they have nothing to worry about because they don't live around drug dealers and such are giving themselves a false since of security because violence can happen anywhere.
Now I don't want people reading this and thinking that wherever they go they have to be paranoid that is not the objective of this post. The objective is being prepared so if shit does hit the fan your odds of survival will double because you know what to do. Now what would you do in this situation? How would you deal with a shoot out in a restaurant that you were eating in? What would be the best area to be seated in? What should be the first thing you do when you hear a gun go off?
Well here are a few things that will help you out. First try seating with you back towards a wall so you don't have to worry about someone being behind you. Try being seated next to an exit areas to have an escape route. Also at the first sound of gun fire drop to the ground and take cover using a table or chairs. Make it a habit in your everyday life whenever entering a room or establishment to follow these rules, back to wall, near exists, find an object that will cover you so your odds of survival increase.
Sunday, May 04, 2008
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Monday, April 21, 2008

If you want to build more explosive power and speed into your knee tactics here is an exercise that you can practice to give you that. Squat done and have a partner hold a striking pad at his hip level. Now begin jumping up and hit the pad with your knee. Alternate striking with each knee upon each rep. This will not only give you explosive knee techniques but will also strengthen your quads.
Monday, April 14, 2008

One question I ask people who walk into my training centre is "Do you carry a self defense weapon or product?" Many people give me the response that they hold there keys in there hand in event that a situation may arise they are ready to defend themselves.
When I ask people to show me how they hold there keys most of them hold them in the wrong manner. There is a big myth that you place your key or keys in between your fingers, but if you were to strike someone holding the keys that way the keys will turn into your hand when you make impact. Instead place the key in between your thumb and finger so that the key is secure.
Monday, April 07, 2008
There is a tactic that we use in the TACT Self Defense System that we call "defanging the snake" where in theory you are taking away the snakes teeth by hitting it's mouth. Well this theory is done also by using your elbows to block a punch or punches coming at you by blocking with your elbows. The end result is that your attacker hurts his hands as he punches your elbows which in turn slows him down because his hand is hurt taking his weapons away from him and giving you the ability to counter.
There is a tactic that we use in the TACT Self Defense System that we call "defanging the snake" where in theory you are taking away the snakes teeth by hitting it's mouth. Well this theory is done also by using your elbows to block a punch or punches coming at you by blocking with your elbows. The end result is that your attacker hurts his hands as he punches your elbows which in turn slows him down because his hand is hurt taking his weapons away from him and giving you the ability to counter.
Monday, March 24, 2008
There are tons of gun disarming techniques out there but how many of them would actually work for you in a self defense situation? Well a good way to finding this out is to test them out yourself while doing it under circumstances as close as possible to real life situations where adrenaline and your attackers responses are in true form.
Now when you have that all taken care of try executing some of these weapons disarming tactics that you have seen and see if they will work for you. Remember people holding guns at someone will either keep there distance from you and or there grip will be strong while holding the gun. Many people find that when adding these variables to the situation there techniques do not work.
There are many videos out there where someone will "twist" a gun from an attacker's hand while braking his finger in the process because his finger gets jammed in the trigger guard while the technique is being executed. Now the reality is no one holds a gun that loose so that disarming technique is not as easily accomplished as people think it can be. Remember test the tactics including real life variables then you won't get any surprises when you need to use them for real.
There are tons of gun disarming techniques out there but how many of them would actually work for you in a self defense situation? Well a good way to finding this out is to test them out yourself while doing it under circumstances as close as possible to real life situations where adrenaline and your attackers responses are in true form.
Now when you have that all taken care of try executing some of these weapons disarming tactics that you have seen and see if they will work for you. Remember people holding guns at someone will either keep there distance from you and or there grip will be strong while holding the gun. Many people find that when adding these variables to the situation there techniques do not work.
There are many videos out there where someone will "twist" a gun from an attacker's hand while braking his finger in the process because his finger gets jammed in the trigger guard while the technique is being executed. Now the reality is no one holds a gun that loose so that disarming technique is not as easily accomplished as people think it can be. Remember test the tactics including real life variables then you won't get any surprises when you need to use them for real.
Monday, March 10, 2008
What is the difference between an elite military fighter and you when it comes to dealing and being successful with violence? The answer is that an elite military fighter knows how to elevate the level of violence within a split second and most civilians do not. When it comes to being successful with dealing with violence you have to be able to elevate the violence level much quicker than your attacker this in turn will make you successful in surviving an attack.
Thats why when most people are asked who do they fear most when it comes protecting themselves against the answer is a crazed psycho. Why? Because a psycho knows how to elevate the violence level and can keep it elevated for longer periods of time than most people. So remember practice getting into the "killer instinct mode" or "psycho Mode" before executing your self defense tactics for combat is 90% mental and only 10% physical.
What is the difference between an elite military fighter and you when it comes to dealing and being successful with violence? The answer is that an elite military fighter knows how to elevate the level of violence within a split second and most civilians do not. When it comes to being successful with dealing with violence you have to be able to elevate the violence level much quicker than your attacker this in turn will make you successful in surviving an attack.
Thats why when most people are asked who do they fear most when it comes protecting themselves against the answer is a crazed psycho. Why? Because a psycho knows how to elevate the violence level and can keep it elevated for longer periods of time than most people. So remember practice getting into the "killer instinct mode" or "psycho Mode" before executing your self defense tactics for combat is 90% mental and only 10% physical.
Monday, March 03, 2008
A lot of people ask me how do they get more speed when executing a self defense technique such as a palm thrust or kick? Well a simple exercise to do is to either grip onto a 5 lb dumbbells or to place wrist/ankle weights on and to begin throwing your kicks or palm thrusts out. Now the major mistake most people make is that they focus on how fast they can hit the target from the start position. Instead focus on how fast your retraction is instead. This will make your kicks and punches much quicker. Do 30 reps per each hand/foot, take a 1 minute rest in between sets perform 4 sets.
A lot of people ask me how do they get more speed when executing a self defense technique such as a palm thrust or kick? Well a simple exercise to do is to either grip onto a 5 lb dumbbells or to place wrist/ankle weights on and to begin throwing your kicks or palm thrusts out. Now the major mistake most people make is that they focus on how fast they can hit the target from the start position. Instead focus on how fast your retraction is instead. This will make your kicks and punches much quicker. Do 30 reps per each hand/foot, take a 1 minute rest in between sets perform 4 sets.
Monday, February 11, 2008
I have just finished up shooting my new dvd called "Guerrilla Combatives Conditioning". A dvd that teaches viewers the best conditioning and strength exercises for street fighting. This dvd should be out in the next couple of weeks and I will have it posted on my website at www.tactselfdefense.com. The exercise that I would like to talk about today is from that dvd it is called "the ripper".
A conditioning exercises that teaches people how to properly bite a body part off someone. To perform this exercise grab a piece of thick cooked ham or piece of cooked meat, cooked ham is the cheapest. Now bite into it and tear the meat off, do this as fast as you can, tear, spit, tear, spit. This exercise will give you a better biting and tearing tactic while teaching you how much force is needed to actually take a chunk of meat out of someone.
I have just finished up shooting my new dvd called "Guerrilla Combatives Conditioning". A dvd that teaches viewers the best conditioning and strength exercises for street fighting. This dvd should be out in the next couple of weeks and I will have it posted on my website at www.tactselfdefense.com. The exercise that I would like to talk about today is from that dvd it is called "the ripper".
A conditioning exercises that teaches people how to properly bite a body part off someone. To perform this exercise grab a piece of thick cooked ham or piece of cooked meat, cooked ham is the cheapest. Now bite into it and tear the meat off, do this as fast as you can, tear, spit, tear, spit. This exercise will give you a better biting and tearing tactic while teaching you how much force is needed to actually take a chunk of meat out of someone.
Monday, February 04, 2008
The other day I was doing an interview for a newspaper regarding the use of canes in self defense situations and thought this would be a good topic to cover today. The first thing I would like to say is keep it simple do not get into doing wrist locks etc with the cane it becomes to complicated do to you have to use fine motor skills which we know does work in self defense situations. Instead use the cane as a baton to hit your attacker with and immediately follow up by using your taser or pepper spray.
In reality if you are using a cane for actual support then this will be hard for you to do because your legs are weak and you can easily fall down, these cane self defense tactics should only be used by people who use a cane as a walking stick. On a final note do not get a solid wooden cane instead get a folding steel cane these are much harder and if your attacker grabs your cane the cane can be twisted and bent and still used on your attacker, where with solid wooden canes if your attacker grabs a hold of it he can easily push you down with the momentum.
The other day I was doing an interview for a newspaper regarding the use of canes in self defense situations and thought this would be a good topic to cover today. The first thing I would like to say is keep it simple do not get into doing wrist locks etc with the cane it becomes to complicated do to you have to use fine motor skills which we know does work in self defense situations. Instead use the cane as a baton to hit your attacker with and immediately follow up by using your taser or pepper spray.
In reality if you are using a cane for actual support then this will be hard for you to do because your legs are weak and you can easily fall down, these cane self defense tactics should only be used by people who use a cane as a walking stick. On a final note do not get a solid wooden cane instead get a folding steel cane these are much harder and if your attacker grabs your cane the cane can be twisted and bent and still used on your attacker, where with solid wooden canes if your attacker grabs a hold of it he can easily push you down with the momentum.
Monday, January 28, 2008
When I train people to disarm someone with a gun when this is your last resort I tell them to slowly bring up there hands and as they do once there hands are at the gun level they hit and grab the hand holding the gun as they twist they torso so they are out of the line of fire. Know this technique is simple if you are alone but what happens when you are with someone? You have to now think about if your friend is going to be in the line of fire once you hit and redirect the direction of the mussel for the gun will most likely go off as you hit your attackers hand.
So a great exercise to do is to have a training partner point a fake gun at you and as he does he is going to either say "left" or "right" at the last minute. This means your friend is on the side that your train partner said. Now you have to think about hitting the mussel in the opposite direction from where your friend is. This is a great tactical thinking exercise and remember to make this as spontaneous as possible so you get the most realism out of it.
When I train people to disarm someone with a gun when this is your last resort I tell them to slowly bring up there hands and as they do once there hands are at the gun level they hit and grab the hand holding the gun as they twist they torso so they are out of the line of fire. Know this technique is simple if you are alone but what happens when you are with someone? You have to now think about if your friend is going to be in the line of fire once you hit and redirect the direction of the mussel for the gun will most likely go off as you hit your attackers hand.
So a great exercise to do is to have a training partner point a fake gun at you and as he does he is going to either say "left" or "right" at the last minute. This means your friend is on the side that your train partner said. Now you have to think about hitting the mussel in the opposite direction from where your friend is. This is a great tactical thinking exercise and remember to make this as spontaneous as possible so you get the most realism out of it.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Umbrella's are something that we use commonly in our lives that we don't realize can make an ideal self defense weapon. If you use the shorter type model these can make ideal batons especially if you hit with the handle part of the umbrella. They also make good shields when open if you are ever in a situation where someone is thrusting a knife at you. The longer style type of umbrellas make great stabbing tools with there pointing tips. Make it a habit to see what you can use in your daily lives as weapons to protect yourself with. You will be surprised on how many weapons you actually have around you.
Umbrella's are something that we use commonly in our lives that we don't realize can make an ideal self defense weapon. If you use the shorter type model these can make ideal batons especially if you hit with the handle part of the umbrella. They also make good shields when open if you are ever in a situation where someone is thrusting a knife at you. The longer style type of umbrellas make great stabbing tools with there pointing tips. Make it a habit to see what you can use in your daily lives as weapons to protect yourself with. You will be surprised on how many weapons you actually have around you.
Monday, January 21, 2008
The other day I was watching a clip of an actual store robbery gone bad. The store clerk was standing behind the counter as a robber comes in. The robber jumps over the counter wielding a knife, demands money then proceeds to stab the cashier for no reason. Watching the clerks natural response was interesting all do to the fact that he did what I tell my students to do in a stabbing situation. The store clerk curled his body forward while shielding his torso/chest with his forearms from the knife thrusts.
Now the clerk never trained in my system but like I say you have to have thoughtless natural responses to life threatening situations or you just forgot everything and your a goner. The store clerk survived with only superficial cuts to his forearms. So keep it natural, simple and remember when dealing with knife situations you are most likely going to get cut, anyone telling you otherwise is full of it.
The other day I was watching a clip of an actual store robbery gone bad. The store clerk was standing behind the counter as a robber comes in. The robber jumps over the counter wielding a knife, demands money then proceeds to stab the cashier for no reason. Watching the clerks natural response was interesting all do to the fact that he did what I tell my students to do in a stabbing situation. The store clerk curled his body forward while shielding his torso/chest with his forearms from the knife thrusts.
Now the clerk never trained in my system but like I say you have to have thoughtless natural responses to life threatening situations or you just forgot everything and your a goner. The store clerk survived with only superficial cuts to his forearms. So keep it natural, simple and remember when dealing with knife situations you are most likely going to get cut, anyone telling you otherwise is full of it.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Monday, January 14, 2008
The first thing people do when they find themselves being suffocated or strangulated is panic and all simple logic goes out the window so it is vital to train using these two types of attacks. The first is having someone strangle you with a rope or belt. The best self defense tactic you can execute is to tuck in your chin to prevent the rope or belt from getting around your neck, if it goes around your chin it will be ok because you can still breathe.
If the rope or belt does get completely around your neck place one or two of your fingers in between the rope or belt and your neck. This will prevent you from getting choked unconscious. If you have a plastic bag put over your face simple poke a hole into the bag and this will prevent you from being suffocated. You may feel freaked out but in reality you are safe. Remember to practice this on a regular basis so you get used to the uncomfortable feelings that goes along with this.
The first thing people do when they find themselves being suffocated or strangulated is panic and all simple logic goes out the window so it is vital to train using these two types of attacks. The first is having someone strangle you with a rope or belt. The best self defense tactic you can execute is to tuck in your chin to prevent the rope or belt from getting around your neck, if it goes around your chin it will be ok because you can still breathe.
If the rope or belt does get completely around your neck place one or two of your fingers in between the rope or belt and your neck. This will prevent you from getting choked unconscious. If you have a plastic bag put over your face simple poke a hole into the bag and this will prevent you from being suffocated. You may feel freaked out but in reality you are safe. Remember to practice this on a regular basis so you get used to the uncomfortable feelings that goes along with this.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
When dealing with multiple attackers there are a few rules that seems to help with surviving such a situation the first is to never be in the middle of the group, try maintaining a line with you and the group. Second be offensive hit first and hit the biggest guy or the mouthy one this will cause a physiological effect onto the group that once they see the leader go down they usually back down or are more hesitant to continue attacking.
When dealing with multiple attackers there are a few rules that seems to help with surviving such a situation the first is to never be in the middle of the group, try maintaining a line with you and the group. Second be offensive hit first and hit the biggest guy or the mouthy one this will cause a physiological effect onto the group that once they see the leader go down they usually back down or are more hesitant to continue attacking.
Sunday, January 06, 2008
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- Norm Bettencourt
- Norm Bettencourt is the Creator/President of Tactical Self Defense which specializes in personal protection tactics against modern day threats of violence. For more information visit www.tactselfdefense.com