Tuesday, November 15, 2005


Do you know what to do if your car stalls in a deserted area? Here are some pointer's to help you out. First always put your hazard lights on and lock your doors. If someone comes along never open your door just roll down your window a little a hand should not be able to fit into the space. State politely that some one is on their way to help. Always have a cell phone on you with either a Tow Company or AAA Company in your cell phonebook directory. If you are in an area that is populated and well lit and you decide to leave your car make sure your visible countless accidents occur each year with people being hit by on coming traffic. Have an emergency kit in your car with items such as flashlight, blanket, and first aid kit, cat litter or salt incase you need traction on ice.


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Norm Bettencourt is the Creator/President of Tactical Self Defense which specializes in personal protection tactics against modern day threats of violence. For more information visit www.tactselfdefense.com