Friday, June 22, 2007


People who are courageous work to confront the fears that holds most people back. The two biggest enemies to your success is fear and doubt. Getting rid of your fear and doubt is the key. The key to overcoming your fears. To develop courage, then simply act courageously when you need to. When you act this way repeatedly, you make it a habit for yourself to do the things you fear.

If you do the things you fear, then the death of that fear is certain because it becomes like an everyday event or habit. So face your fears and do the things you fear. The ability to confront your fears means freedom in your life. By overcoming fear and doubt, those two things alone will make you successful in most everything that you do.


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Norm Bettencourt is the Creator/President of Tactical Self Defense which specializes in personal protection tactics against modern day threats of violence. For more information visit