I get alot of emails from readers asking me "What self defense product makes the best weapon to protect yourself with?" So I would like to address that today. First I think a gun is the best weapon out there. It covers distance and is a very intimadating weapon to have. My next self defense weapon of choice would either be the stun gun or the baton due to once again being able to maintain a safe distance between you and your attacker. "Sprays" such as mace or pepper spray the user as to worry about wind direction and such when using his products which is the last thing on your mind when dealing with an attacker coming at you.
Remember to also have your self defense product in an easy to reach place and not in a zipped up pockeet or purse, cause regardles of your weapon of choice it will be impossible to get to when you need it most. So if you are looking for such items such as

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