Hi everyone hope everybody had a great week. This weeks post I would like to talk about how asking questions before the act of physical violence starts can put momentum on your side catching your attacker off guard.
In my new book Secrets of Street Fighting I talk a lot about the importance of putting momentum on your side so you control the fight from start to finish. So how do you do this? Will one why is by attacking your enemy in mid sentence or phrase and continue attacking until you feel it's safe to stop. Another way is by asking your attacker a question such as "When's your birthday?" or "Do you want to go for a drink?'". When you ask anyone a question an automatic response the brain has to it is to think about it.
Now it is vital that in the split second after you have asked your question when your attacker is thinking about what was just said (he will either think of his birth date or will think why the hell are you asking this) that you attack full force without any hesitation. This in turn puts momentum on your side because by the time your enemy has gotten his mind back into attacking you it will be to late because his is flat on his ass.
To read more about putting momentum on your side go to
Till the next time remember there's no such thing as a dirty fighter only an educated one.
Norm "The Cannibal" Bettencourt
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- Norm Bettencourt
- Norm Bettencourt is the Creator/President of Tactical Self Defense which specializes in personal protection tactics against modern day threats of violence. For more information visit