Monday, January 27, 2014

The Element Of Surprise- Don't Let Them Know What Coming

This is an older video but shows the essential elements on how to have the element of surprise behind your attack.

There's no such thing as a dirty fighter only an educated one.

Norm Bettencourt

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Cool Safe Room Idea

Here is a cool safe room idea

There's no such thing as a dirty fighter only an educated one.

Norm Bettencourt

Monday, January 06, 2014

Winning The Battle But Losing The War #2

Hi everyone,

Hope everyone had a great holiday season. A few weeks back I was teaching a first aid class and one of my students had asked me if I could only have 3 items on me for first aid situations what would they be?

So in today`s post I would like to discuss my top 3 picks when it comes to my everyday carry items for my first aid kit.

First of all I would like to mention that learning combat or self defense and learning first aid should go together, when violence arises so does the possibility of injuries. So it is vital not only to learn how to fight but to heal as well so take a First Aid Course.

So here are my top 3 first aid item picks

1.Combat Gauze: Quick clot, this stuff helps clot major wounds fast (stab or bullet wounds) need I say more. Some people prefer using a similar product called `Celox` either or I think it is a vital component to any first aid kit.

2.Triangular bandages: These are so versatile you can use them as a sling, splint, bandage or tourniquet just to name a few uses for them.

3. Betadine Povidone Iodine: This is antiseptic for cuts and wounds. You may be able to stop the bleeding but if you can`t stop an infection your screwed. People have lost limbs and sometimes their life over something as simple as an infection.

Note: If you want more in-depth information on these items and how to use them just do a Google search and there is plenty of information on these products.

Remember you may have won the battle (the physical fight) but will you be able to win the war (dealing with your injuries) when SHTF.

There`s no such thing as a dirty fighter only an educated one.

Norm Bettencourt


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About Me

Norm Bettencourt is the Creator/President of Tactical Self Defense which specializes in personal protection tactics against modern day threats of violence. For more information visit