Monday, November 28, 2005


The other day I received an email from a online self defense products store & martial arts instructor. The writer was offended at my copy on my web site after reading it stating I was putting down the martial arts, that it was street effective for self defense.The writer was a third degree black belt, sparred in countless grappling matches & won 30 death matches. My automatic reaction was to write him back a long detailed email on how he was full of it, to put it politely. I realized that it would be unproductive but instead to address this in the blog. You see anyone who states they have fought in 30 death matches is full of it. There bodies simply would not survive that long, that's the quick answer. Sparring in grappling matches is not street fighting or self defense they are two different worlds apart. I have never seen any UFC/NHB match where someone has bitten someone's fingers off to win a match or stabbed someone in the eye with an object to be victorious. Remember violence has no rules & anything goes. So if you ever find a self defense instructor who states those things stay away from him.


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Norm Bettencourt is the Creator/President of Tactical Self Defense which specializes in personal protection tactics against modern day threats of violence. For more information visit