Sunday, August 25, 2013

Preception Is Everything In Self Defense

When it comes to law the color of the day is grey. Law is not about right or wrong, it is about loop holes and how well your lawyer can defend your case for you. Keep this in mind on how you represent your views on personal protection for it could bite you in the ass and land you in jail when it comes to protecting yourself and loved ones in a self defense situation.

I am all for one in protecting my loved ones and definitely agree with the signs that are displayed below I just wouldn’t display them on my property.

In reality these are the last signs that I want posted on my property for the simple fact that if I ever use force to protect my family in a self defense situation they could backfire on me. The reason they could back fire is due to the fact that they can possibly make me look pro violent in the eyes of a jury and the courts. They instill the idea of two eyes for an eye mythology that I believe in.

Instead you want signs like these.

 First these are the two signs that most often deter your home in being targeted in the first place. Second even if they don’t they make you look neutral so if the day comes when you have to justify your actions of using force before the courts you don’t look like a hot headed pro violent thug. Instead you are seen as a law abiding citizen who feared for his and his families’ safety and that your actions seemed proportional and justifiable in the circumstances.

Remember self defense is not only about protecting yourself and loved ones physically but also protecting yourself psychologically and legally as well.

There’s no such thing as a dirty fighter only an educated one.

Norm Bettencourt


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Norm Bettencourt is the Creator/President of Tactical Self Defense which specializes in personal protection tactics against modern day threats of violence. For more information visit