Monday, July 17, 2006

We Are What We Eat

A question came from a reader asking about his anxiety issues whenever he was confronted slightly with aggression. The individual once worked as a bouncer a few years back but was finding that since he left the profession his anxiety had increased alot when dealing with aggressive individuals. My first question was have you seen a doctor? His reply yes. My second question to him was what do you eat and drink? The reply that got my attention was" I drink 8 cups of coffee a day". Caffine is a drug causing many different affects to the body including anxiety and hyperactivety. My answer was cut down on the java or best yet stop drinking the stuff altogether. Sounds to hard to do...I was once the guy you would see seating at the local Starbucks every morning , plus coming in at noon and night ordering my venti coffees. After years of sucking back the stuff and paying someone in the companys mortage I found myself always feeling anxiety when I went out. I thought I was going a little nuts and spoke to my doctor asking if I should be concerned. His response was how much coffee did I drink and after I told him he told me to cut down. I not only cut down I quit completely only drinking decaffe. To my surprise the anxiety and hyperactivity disappeared in about a month. That's how long it takes to get out of your system. I would of not be able to quit the stuff if it hadn't affected the way I lived. So until it gets bad enough and youre tired of being sick and tired of feeling a certain way will you do something about it.

P.S. Not all issues are dealt with so easily seek professional medical advice for there could be a medical condition causing the problem.


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Norm Bettencourt is the Creator/President of Tactical Self Defense which specializes in personal protection tactics against modern day threats of violence. For more information visit