Friday, December 07, 2007


Last week I spend the entire week training with a cop regarding use of force, restraint techniques and learning different teaching methods. We talked about the importance of training and how you train is how you will respond in a real life self defense situation. We exchanged stories of what we found that worked best for teaching our students and we also shared horror stories of bad training habits, here is one of them.

A cop learns a new gun disarming technique at the academy he begins by putting his hands up then makes a statement while at the same time hitting the gun so he is out of the line of fire. He then grabs and twists the gun away from his partner and takes 4 steps back so he is at a safe distance and points the gun at his partner. He repeats these steps though out the day with his training partner.

He then goes home and gets his wife to play the attacker, he does every step of the technique expect for the last part of stepping back and pointing the gun. Instead due to limited space he just passes the gun back to his wife after he disarms her. He continues training like this for the next two weeks.

Six months later he is walking the beat and has someone pull out a gun on him. Instinct takes over he disarms the attacker then hands him the gun, the attacker shoots him dead. At a later time after all was said and done and the killer was found. During his questioning he stated that he was totally surprised why the cop disarmed him then handed him the gun back. But in all honesty we know why, you respond exactly like how you train so keep your training as real as possible keeping watch for any bad habits.


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About Me

Norm Bettencourt is the Creator/President of Tactical Self Defense which specializes in personal protection tactics against modern day threats of violence. For more information visit